Home > LCD TV > V7 19-Inch 1440×900 16:10 Widescreen LCD Monitor D19W12B – Black Review

V7 19-Inch 1440×900 16:10 Widescreen LCD Monitor D19W12B – Black Review

V7 19-Inch 1440x900 16:10 Widescreen LCD Monitor D19W12B - Black

V7 19-Inch 1440×900 16:10 Widescreen LCD Monitor D19W12B – Black Review

Designed LCD V7 D19W12B Widescreen LCD Monitor 19-inch to be multiple use at work or at home with D19W12B designed 16:10 contrast and brightness LCD technology screen has the highest decision-making 1440×900 dpi (dots per inch.) Brightness 300 – nit, contrast ratio of 800 to 1, and finds the degree of up to 150 this V7 monitor is ideal for users who want to prove the quality of the brand proved to v7, without paying a higher price. D19W12B located in all – black, sleek modern looking, which saves space in any room the desktop – a minimum of hidden speakers and the design of the screen, and controls only add to the design, and pour this liquid crystal display, LCD display developed all V7. Designed and built in LCD…

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